Lysine is an amino acid and the only one for which a requirement in the horse has been established by the NRC. It is an essential amino acid, meaning it must be provided in the diet since the body cannot create enough of its own. Lysine is also a limiting amino acid. This means if it is not present in adequate amounts it limits the body's ability to make protein. Lysine is important in the formation of collagen (the protein that forms the matrix of bone, cartilage and connective tissue). Lysine helps support intestinal absorption of calcium and aids in reducing the excretion of calcium in the urine. Lysine also helps support a healthy Immune Response.
Methionine is an essential amino acid, meaning it must be provided in the diet since the body cannot create enough of its own. This means if it is not present in adequate amounts it limits the body's ability to make protein. Methionine can be converted by the body into another sulfur-containing amino acid, cysteine. It is also important for normal muscle function and formation of creatine, which is needed for muscle energy.
Threonine helps support healthy cartilage, bones, hair, teeth, nails as well as healthy skeletal muscle function (heart, liver, etc.)
Branched Chain Amino Acids (3 of 9 essential AA’s) help to support healthy soft tissue, energy levels, normal growth and helps to support healthy blood sugar levels. BCAA’s (Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine) –These appear to be the most necessary to help support healthy muscle tissue/function, with Leucine being the most important. They should be fed in a ratio of 2:1:1, as listed in above order.
- Leucine is considered the most important BCAA as it has the most influence over healthy muscle tone. It helps stimulate muscle growth, activates essential compounds in cells that help regulate several cellular processes for growth, nutrient transport and energy.
- Isoleucine helps support healthy tissue and supports energy/stamina. Helps to support normal glucose uptake and function within muscle cells (helps support body’s ability to utilize glucose during exercise.)
- Valine Supports the normal transport of nitrogen to other tissues throughout the body as required and support normal muscle function.
Glycine is the second most abundant amino acid in human enzymes and proteins. The liver forms this from Serine and Threonine. It helps support many essential processes. Works together with taurine and GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid) as an inhibitory neurotransmitter. Helps support healthy blood sugar levels.
Arginine is a semi-essential amino acid, meaning the body can make it, but usually not enough. Important to help support normal function of the pituitary gland. Works with other amino acids to help synthesize and distribute growth hormones. It helps support healthy tissue, nerves and muscle.
Creatine is a Tripeptide that is made from 3 amino acids: Arginine, Glycine and Methionine. Over 90% of the creatine is stored in the body’s muscles. It helps support normal energy supply in the muscles as it reacts with phosphate to form the energy rich compound *APT (adenosine triphosphate). Helps support healthy muscle function.
When would I use Amino 15X?
MVP: Horses at maintenance or in light work will likely receive all the protein they need from hay and concentrates. However, there are cases where horses may benefit from extra protein/amino acids. If your horse falls into these categories, always begin with high-quality forage and then supplement as needed. When in doubt, an equine nutritionist or your veterinarian can help guide you through your horse’s specific needs.
Signs of Protein/Amino Acid Deficiency:
- Poor body condition/growth
- Lack of Topline
- Brittle hooves
- Poor hair coat
- Illness/slow recovery
- Poor Performance
- Low Energy
It is mid-season and my horse has lost some of his vitality, will Amino 15X help?
MVP: Absolutely! Amino 15X provides 15,000 mg of 9 key amino acids including the BCAA's to help continoulsy repair body tissue, build muscle and promote overall health and performance. Amino 15X is a great add-on to any supplement program to give your horse that extra energy boost and increased vitalitly to keep him performing at the top of his game.
Does Amino 15X replace In-Sync 4?
MVP: No, Amino-15X can be fed alone and/or in conjunction with In-Sync 4 providing even higher levels of amino-acids for greater support of muscle development. For specific muscle function/health concerns and/or added immune support, In-Sync 4 is recommended as the product of choice.
I have purchased the 6lb bag. Is the 120 servings based off of 1 full scoop or a 1/2 scoop?
MVP: The 6lb bag contains 120 - full scoop servings. If only using 1/2 scoop there are 240 servings in a 6lb bag.
Why are only 6 of the 9 essential amino acids included in Amino 15X?
MVP: Although all 9 essential and 11 non-essential amino acids need to be present in the body to make proteins, many of these are not limiting and/or commonly deficient amino acids, meaning the diet provides enough. Histadine, for example, is abundant in the equine diet and tryptophan is rarely deficient. Lysine, threonine and methionine are the most commonly deficient or limiting. Amino 15X provides a comprehensive profile of amino acids to help support healthy muscle function, growth and development.
Will this product help with muscle soreness? My reining horse is working through a training stage where he is laying down new muscle no problem, but his "sitting" muscles are sore from daily training/workouts.
MVP: Amino 15X includes ingredients to help support healthy lean muscle and function. If you are looking for a supplement to help support specific muscle-health concerns that would require additional vitamins/nutrients MVP’s In-Sync 4 may be a more appropriate option. MVP’s In-Sync 4 (Pellets) include DMG, magnesium, natural vitamin E, along with several amino acids to support normal/healthy muscle function, a normal immune response as well as address muscle discomfort associated with daily exercise.