A horse not eating or drinking is very frustrating for the owner. Several underlying factors could be responsible for this condition. The primary thing in such circumstances is to identify the cause or cause behind this development. Once the causes are identified, applying the correctives to eliminate this condition becomes easier.
In the article below, let’s explore some common causes of horses not eating or drinking and a few options for making them eat properly.
Identify the Possible Causes:
A thorough examination and sometimes a process of trial and error can help pinpoint the reasons behind a horse's lack of appetite. Below are common causes:
1. Disease: The appetite will be poor if the horse suffers from health issues or problems like gastric ulcers.
2. Pain: Horses that suffer from painful conditions such as lameness, muscle injuries due to severe exercises, and colic will have less or no appetite.
3. Vitamin Deficiencies:
- Vitamins in specific quantities are required for proper metabolism and digestion in the body. This is accurate for B-complex Vitamins, particularly vitamin B1. Deficiency of B1 is a well-recognized causal agent for loss of appetite in many animal species, including horses.
- When grains like corn or barley are fed, grain fermentation can lead to acidosis in the hindgut, suppressing appetite.
- During hindgut acidosis, the hindgut bacteria produce an enzyme called thiaminase, which counteracts vitamin B1 before it is absorbed into the body. This can lead to vitamin B1 deficiency, resulting in appetite loss.
4. Unpalatable Feed: Fungal contamination (mycotoxins) in feeds like hay, forages, and grains can make the feed unpalatable, leading to a decrease in appetite. Over-supplementation with vitamins and minerals can also prevent feed from becoming unpalatable.
5. Stress: Any change in the horse's routine, such as feeding or exercise, can lead to stress, which results in reduced appetite.
6. Medications: Administering medications through feed can sometimes make it unpalatable, causing the horse to refuse it.
How Can You Help Your Equine with Possible Treatment or Prevention?
Once the cause is identified, it is easy to treat or remove it. Below are the tips if your horse is not eating or drinking:
1. For Diseases: If it is due to any underlying disease, take your horse for a thorough check-up by the veterinarian to identify and treat the condition.
2. To Help with Pain: Identifying the source of pain, be it lameness, laminitis, or dental problems, and instituting the proper treatment by consulting the Vet will help correct the horse’s appetite.
3. Vitamin B1 Deficiency:
- If plants containing thiaminase are part of your horse’s diet, remove the horse from pasture, supplement the horse with oral vitamin B1, and provide plenty of good quality hay.
- Replace grains/commercial feeds with high-energy fibers like beet pulp or soybean hulls.
- Any oral vitamin B1 supplement will replenish the depleted vitamin B1 levels and make the appetite return to normal
4. Unpalatable Feeds and Mycotoxin Poisoning: If mycotoxin contamination is suspected, have the feed tested in a lab. Replace any contaminated or unpalatable feed with high-quality alternatives. Simplify the diet initially and gradually reintroduce ingredients to identify the problematic ones.
5. Over-Supplementing: Ensure that supplements are added correctly to meet the horse’s nutritional requirements without exceeding them. Pay attention to sodium levels, as excess salt can make the feed unpalatable.
6. Medications: Avoid adding medicines if the horse refuses to eat feed into which medications have been added. Use other means to administer medications (ie. Oral, IV, IM or as label indicates).
7. Managing Stress: keep things as consistent as possible to prevent stress; always have a buddy close by your horse. Being herd animals, they don’t generally feel comfortable or safe when alone.
Identifying the cause of a horse not eating is essential to resolving the issue. Addressing the underlying factors and making appropriate changes to feed management can help restore your horse's appetite and overall health. It is essential to monitor your horse’s daily food and water intake and promptly address any loss of appetite before it develops into a more severe problem.
Ensuring fresh, quality forage or pasture, adjusting feed bin height, and providing a calm environment are vital steps in supporting your horse's nutritional needs.
Enhance Your Horse's Health with Expert CareAt MedVetPharm, we understand the importance of your horse's well-being. Whether addressing appetite issues or seeking digestive health supplements, our professionals are here to help.
Call us today at 833-809-4848 or contact us to learn more.