Four Challenges Your Senior Horse May Face This Winter

The cold season is upon us, and for aging horses, the cold weather can bring a number of health challenges. The extreme drop in temperature affects foraging, causing increased concerns for horse owners during the winter season. Senior horses often have compromised chewing and digestion due to their age, and they are less able to handle dramatic temperature changes than their younger counterparts.

As a horse owner, you want to do everything you can to keep your beloved equine friends in the best possible health. At Med Vet Pharm, we understand some of the biggest challenges facing aging horses during the winter months. We’ve put together the following advice to help your senior horse get through the cold season.

1.Loose Stool

Many senior horses are retired and out to pasture which means plenty of grass in their diets. However, winter weather means it’s time to switch over to an all hay diet (if he’s not already on it), which can cause your horse some loose stool problems. It is important to address the issue in a timely manner as it can lead to serious health concerns including dehydration and colic.

Aging horses often have sensitive digestive systems, which are more susceptible to winter diarrhea. MVP offers a variety of digestion supplements that include probiotics, prebiotics, and yeast, which can help support normal digestion and the proper absorption of nutrients.

2.Joint Stiffness

Just like humans, horses can experience joint stiffness as they age, and the cold weather during winter can cause that stiffness to flare up. Even the healthiest of horses can be afflicted with discomfort as they age. To aid their strength and mobility, it’s important to ensure they are moving every day, whether it is by daily turn out, hand walking, or riding.

We offer joint support supplements to help your horse feel better all winter long. When combined with steady exercise and joint nutrition, your senior horse will feel better despite the cold weather.

3.Weight Loss

The changes in your aging horse’s winter diet can contribute to the problem of winter weight loss. As temperatures drop, winter weight loss can become a serious threat to the health of many senior horses, so it is important to monitor your horse’s body condition score regularly.

Remove blankets often to have an accurate evaluation of your horse’s body condition. It is also equally important to make sure your horse’s teeth have been examined to ensure he is able to chew properly and consume feed.

If you’re concerned about your horse’s weight, work with your veterinarian to develop the right winter management program, In addition to making sure he is getting plenty of forage and calories, consider adding a weight gain supplement available on our website to help your older horse maintain a healthy weight throughout the colder season.


When your older horse gets cold, he may begin to shiver quite a bit. Although this may seem worrisome, remember that horses are evolutionarily adapted to survive in cold weather.

Shivering is their body’s way of warming them up, and their natural coat serves as a blanket. However, aging horses may need a little extra help when they become extremely cold in the winter. You may consider adding a blanket if your horse is getting on in years. Horses also need additional dietary energy to maintain its body temperature and condition in winter month. The best source of additional dietary energy during the cold winter months is forage. Shivering may be a sign that your horse needs additional forage in their diet to stay warm. Lastly your horse should have access to shelter from wind, sleet, and storms.

Nutritional Supplements for Horses

Keeping your horse healthy through the winter months is important, especially if your horse is getting older. Your senior horse needs extra TLC when the weather turns cold. At Med Vet Pharm, we offer a wide selection of horse supplements to help your older horse feel better all year long. Contact us to find out more about our nutritional supplements for horses in their senior years.