Gastro-Plex (Pellets)

(65 reviews)

GASTRO-PLEX™ Pellets provide targeted ingredients to help maintain healthy stomach tissue lining, prebiotics and probiotics for normal digestion and also includes Levucell® SC*, a powerful yeast that helps reduce the risk of colic/digestive disorders by supporting the hindgut. Ideal for horses at risk for gastric upset due to travel, training, competition and/or injur… Read More

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GASTRO-PLEX™ Pellets provide targeted ingredients to help maintain healthy stomach tissue lining, prebiotics and probiotics for normal digestion and also includes Levucell® SC*, a powerful yeast that helps reduce the risk of colic/digestive disorders by supporting the hindgut. Ideal for horses at risk for gastric upset due to travel, training, competition and/or injury.

  • Gastric Health
  • Digestive Support
  • Helps Support Feed Efficiency
  • Helps Support Nutrient Absorption

 *Levucell® SC is clinically researched and a registered trademark of Lallemand Specialties, Inc. (France)

  Basic management to maintain gastric health:   

  •    Free choice hay 24/7
  •    Minimize high starch commercial feeds
  •    Plenty of fresh water
  •    Reduce Stress
  •    Avoid long-term use of NSAIDs




Papaya Powder increases mucus secretion.

Fenugreek Seed Powder increases production of mucosal fluids, anti-inflammatory properties, soothes inflamed tissue & an anti-oxidant.

Marshmallow Root Powder contains mucilage to form a coating in the digestive tract, anti-inflammatory, lowers stomach acid, stimulates immune system and helps alleviate pain.

Aloe Powder an anti-oxidant/anti-inflammatory/immune stimulant, contains polysaccharides to help with ulcers, pain and irritation support, has antibacterial properties to fight the h-pylori bacteria.

Gelatin is the name for cooked collagen which is the most abundant protein found in our body. It is primarily made up of the amino acids glycine and proline. Supports a healthy stomach lining/gut mucosa by providing a natural protective barrier against the abrasiveness of gastric juices.

Licorice is one of the most widely used herbs for people and animals in both Western and Chinese medicine. Sweet and soothing, it supports a natural inflammatory response in the gastric system. The deglycyrrhized form is preferred as it eliminates the risk of adverse side effects when plant is used whole.

Slippery Elm is obtained from the bark of a tree native to North America. Slippery Elm is rich in mucilage, a soluble fiber that becomes gel-like when wet. Helps to coat and soothe the mucosal membrane of the digestive tract.

L-Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body, especially in muscle tissue. Glutamine is involved in more metabolic processes than any other amino acid. It helps support a natural inflammatory response within the GI Tract as well as a healthy immune system.

Mannanoligosaccharides (MOS) are prebiotics composed of complex carbohydrate molecules, derived from the outer cell wall of S. cerevisiae, whose main components, β-glucans (mannoproteins) are known to support immune function. Prebiotics are sources of non-digestible, soluble fiber that serve as food for the probiotics or "good" bugs in the large intestine.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) is an antioxidant that plays a role in helping combat harmful free radicals. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps protect the tissues of the body and also important in the production of connective tissues like tendons and ligaments.

Zinc (Zn) is a micromineral involved in over 100 enzyme systems ranging from support of connective tissue formation and antioxidants to carbohydrate metabolism and immune system function. It is most recognized for its role in healthy skin and hooves.

Manganese is a micromineral that aids in bone formation, growth and reproduction. It also supports carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Supplementation should be considered because not all diets provide the same levels of manganese. It plays an important role in young growing horses as well as active performance horses.

Copper (Cu) is a micromineral that aids in the production of normal connective tissues including tendons, ligaments, cartilage and bone. As a component of many enzyme systems, it is also involved in making iron available to the body for blood, in producing skin and coat pigments, in proper nerve signaling and in repairing antioxidants.

Vitamin E (Natural): Natural E is approx. 2.5 times more bioavailable than synthetic vitamin E (4,000 IUs natural vitamin E approximates 10,000 IUs of synthetic vitamin E). Most studies/research indicate 8,000 IU’s -10,000 IU’s (or approx. 3,000-5,000 IU of Natural Vitamin E) during/post therapy for immune support. Vitamin E is considered the most important antioxidant and works closely with selenium to protect the body from the oxidative stress of exercise and illness. Found in high amounts in fresh pasture, levels begin to decay the moment pasture is cut for hay. That is why any horse that does not have access to grass, regardless of its activity level or health, would be a candidate for vitamin E supplementation. Horses are not very efficient in storing vitamin E and deficiency may be accelerated if the diet is deficient in selenium.

Vitamin A is well known for its role in supporting healthy vision, immune function, and skin/coat. However, it is also needed for respiratory health, reproduction, soft tissue and normal skeletal development in young growing horses and exercising horses that are remodeling bone.

Active Dry Yeast:  Supports enzyme activity for fiber digestion in the hind gut and provides a direct source of nutrients to nourish good bacteria. Stabilizes digestive flora during periods of stress for overall health and performance.

Prebiotics act as food for the probiotics or "good" bugs in the large intestine. Prebiotics help promote gastrointestinal health in turn supporting a natural immune response.

Probiotics are live microorganisms (bacteria and yeast) that help promote healthy digestive function and support a healthy immune system. Often referred to as ‘good bugs’ they help break down ingredients/contents that the body normally can't, and help inhibit ‘bad bugs’ from growing.

My quarter horse mare is being treated with prescription-strength omeprazole for gastric ulcers. My veterinarian has encouraged me to use Gastric support product after the treatment protocol to help support a healthy stomach. I have chosen to use the Gastro-Plex pellets, when should I start them?

MVP:  Your mare is benefiting from sound advice, and your question is a relevant one. You can begin feeding Gastro-Plex at any time, though sooner is probably better than later. Giving Gastro-Plex while she’s also being treated with omeprazole will not affect the effectiveness of either product. By choosing to acclimate the gastric environment with Gastro-Plex, prior to removing her from omeprazole will help reduce the risk of reoccurrent issues.  In addition to Gastro-Plex, it is best to implement management changes that will help support the health of the stomach, including the provision of near-constant forage (24/7), whether it is pasture or hay. Plenty of fresh water available and limiting the amount of grain being fed at one time.  


I have a chronically lame mare that is currently on stall rest. She is fed only good-quality hay, no concentrates, but has limited movement due to her confinement. She is now prone to impaction colic. Would Gastro-Plex be a good option?

MVP:  Water consumption is an important part of preventing impaction. Horses should always have access to clean, fresh water. Recognizing fluctuations in water consumption and manure consistency may signal when problems are brewing with your mare. Aside from water intake, consider a hindgut support supplement to help reduce the risk of colic. Gasto-Plex pellets are formulated with Levucell yeast which is a powerful yeast that may help reduce the risk of colic/digestive disorders by supporting the hindgut. Balancing the hindgut pH helps to maintain healthy microbial populations and support fiber digestion. If you are using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the laminitis, you may further consider using Gasto-Plex as it is a product that contains a unique proprietary herbal blend that acts as a coating agent to help to buffer excess acid in the stomach.

  • 5
    Gastro-Plex (Pellets)

    Posted by Raelene Konzak on 2nd Oct 2024

    Gastro-Plex (Pellets)

  • 5
    I have been using Gastro-Plex for about 6...

    Posted by Kimberly Matthews on 10th Jul 2024

    Was able to wean my old guy off his ulcer meds with this! Now We have gone 6 months and had no issues!! I'm a believer in this supplement!

  • 5
    Gastro-Plex (Pellets)

    Posted by Jodi bloomberg on 8th Jul 2024

    Gastro-Plex (Pellets)

  • 2
    Haven’t seen much...

    Posted by Kathleen Elliott on 4th Jul 2024

    The product seems nice, but I have not seen that much difference

  • 5
    Gastroplex pellets

    Posted by Jena on 31st May 2024

    I really do love this product!!

  • 5
    Gastro-Plex (Pellets)

    Posted by Jodi Nuszkiewicz on 30th May 2024

    Gastro-Plex (Pellets)

  • 5
    Gastroplex pellets

    Posted by Brooke Meurlot on 17th May 2024

    Absolutely love this product!!!

  • 5
    My mare is doing great on it!!

    Posted by Ali Buys on 30th Apr 2024

    My mare was having Diarrhea really bad and just in a short time I can really see it is helping her stomach and nervous!!

  • 5

    Posted by Holly Williams on 14th Mar 2024

    We initially received a sample bucket at a clinic and started feeding it the next day. Within a week, we could see our horses that haul a bunch not looking drawn down or tired afterwards. Now that we’ve been using it several months, everyone looks great and even our 29 year-old has his top line back. Love this stuff!! Thanks, MVP!