Beta Glucan is a powerful stimulant to the immune system. By normalizing the rate at which food moves through the GI tract, Beta glucan also helps to moderate the release of sugar into the bloodstream and helps reduce the digestive upset that can occur when too much sugar reaches the hindgut too quickly.
Mannanoligosaccharides (MOS) are prebiotics composed of complex carbohydrate molecules, derived from the outer cell wall of S. cerevisiae, whose main components, β-glucans (mannoproteins) are known to support immune function. Prebiotics are sources of non-digestible, soluble fiber that serve as food for the probiotics or "good" bugs in the large intestine.
Active Dry Yeast: Supports enzyme activity for fiber digestion in the hind gut and provides a direct source of nutrients to nourish good bacteria. Stabilizes digestive flora during periods of stress for overall health and performance.
Prebiotics act as food for the probiotics or "good" bugs in the large intestine. Prebiotics help promote gastrointestinal health in turn supporting a natural immune response.
Probiotics are live microorganisms (bacteria and yeast) that help promote healthy digestive function and support a healthy immune system. Often referred to as ‘good bugs’ they help break down ingredients/contents that the body normally can't, and help inhibit ‘bad bugs’ from growing.
Can healthy horses benefit from digestive support?
MVP: Healthy horses can benefit from digestive support especially those undergoing feed changes, horses on antibiotics, and particularly those under stressful training, heavy competitive schedules and trailering long distances.